About Us

Board Members

We are a Portland, Oregon based volunteer organization dedicated to raising awareness on the critical issue of radio and microwave radiation technologies and their adverse effects on health

  • Gregory M Jenks, President
  • Jennifer Baran, Secretary
  • Rodrigue Deschenes, Treasurer
  • David Morrison
  • Daniel Berman
  • Evelyn Savarin
  • Amy Worthington

Medical Science Advisory Board

  • Dr. Martin Pall, PhD


Thank you to all of our volunteers and donors. We are extremely grateful for your assistance and hope you will continue your invaluable support in 2017.

— Dr. Martin Pall and Prof. Barrie Trower were our first WEA guest speakers at the Unitarian Church: Can Wi-Fi in schools cause infertility and cancer?

— Testimony by WEA Co-Founder, Merry Callahan and WEA Scientist/Researcher contributor, Dr. Martin Pall: at Portland Public Schools Board of Directors meeting

— A proposal for consideration by the Green Party of Portland Oregon, submitted by Wireless Education Action

— Presentation given by Dr. Paul Dart and Dr. Martin Pall to the Oregon State House and Senate Health Committees

— Information Table at New Seasons Market on Hawthorne with Evelyn Savarin, Rodrigue Deschenes and David Morrison, and at Salem Capitol with David and Merry Callahan

— Numerous testimonies by David at Portland Public Schools board meetings

— David presentation to city council per/Amanda fritz invite

— IRS approval of WEA non-profit status May 9, 2014

— Presentations by Rodrigue Deschenes to the members of the Cercle Francais

— Presentation by Dr. Erik Shoenberg at the Milwaukie Library

— Presentation by Dr. Tom Messinger and Dr. Schoenberg at the NCNM School

— Wi-Fi is tuned off at the Waldorf Lower School in Milwaukie following the work of Julie Ahrens and some other parents to protect their children

— Awareness campaign including a presentation to the Board of Bend-La Pine Schoolboard, led by Jennifer and Paul Baran

— Participation and Networking at the Oregon Non-Profit Association in Redmond, Greg Jenks and Rodrigue Deschenes

— Energy Health Trust brochures/postcards printed, plus many fliers printed by David Morrison, by now thousands distributed to Whole Foods, New Seasons, libraries, including in Vancouver, WA…a birth-mom yoga class…many handed to some individuals. Also to our colleague in Bend

— Information/Education Articles written by David in the SE Examiner

— Shielding of the office of the Classical Chinese Medicine office at NUNM to reduce staff and students exposure from a cell phone tower next to the school…and working with students to bring more awareness to the situation.

— Article written by Josefina G Cobb, just published in Green Living Magazine (winter 2016 issue)

— 800 plus searchable database of studies of health effects of EMF’s just completed by Evelyn Savarin (Science page)

— Hired a grant writer who applied for funds to about fifteen foundations

— Supporting a new program: “We Are The Evidence”, advocating for the Electro sensitive people who cannot function in a wireless world

— Educating policy makers in DC and some states

— Supporting EMF Research
Important actions David Morrison initiated under his own name:

  • Cell phone & Wi-Fi bill introduced by Representative Alissa Keny-Guyer (2014)
  • Ran for school board & city council
  • Wrote bill & resolution to form an oversight committee regarding Wi-Fi in schools